Helping People in Need

Helping People in Need

Mrs. Pulliam valued giving people experiencing difficulty a hand-up and firmly believed that education is essential to reaching one’s full potential.

The Trust supports:


  • Programs that provide adult education or training with accompanying social supports for individuals to obtain and maintain gainful employment.
  • Programs that focus on economic self-reliance through small business development and entrepreneurial efforts for low-income individuals.
  • Programs that assist the elderly in maintaining their independence and remaining in their homes.

Crisis Intervention

  • Programs that assist vulnerable families, women and children to help move them from crisis or instability to greater functioning.
  • Programs that provide basic needs, such as food, clothing, emergency shelter or transitional housing.

Foster Care

  • Programs that increase the number of licensed foster families and kinship providers.
  • Multigenerational programs that help prevent children from entering the system.
  • Programs that support young adults, ages 18-25, who are aging out of the system, with post-secondary educational attainment, job training and financial self-sufficiency.

Education and Literacy

  • Programs that provide mentoring and tutoring to disadvantaged youth.
  • Out-of-school time programs and projects for underserved children.
  • Programs that improve literacy skills of adults.
  • Programs that help high school students gain access to careers or post-secondary education.
  • Programs that work with children and their families to improve literacy, reading and language acquisition.