News and Reports

Dear Friends,
As our nonprofit partners continued to recover from a global pandemic, new obstacles arose. Record inflation, issues retaining employees and a dramatic decrease in affordable housing challenged their abilities to help those in need. Our grantees, however, found inventive ways to serve their communities, never taking their eyes off the goal of helping people, protecting animals and the environment, and enriching our communities.
In 2022, the Trust invested $21 million in Indiana and Arizona, collaborating with partners to make a greater impact in our communities. Highlights of 2022 include:
- Trust grants provided more than $9 million to help those experiencing abuse, homelessness and financial insecurity, the elderly, children in the foster care system and historically marginalized communities. Our support helped individuals and families find affordable housing, meet basic needs, and safely access financial, legal, and social services.
- In 2022, 27 Nina Scholars graduated in Arizona and Indiana. To date, 387 Nina Scholars completed their college in education despite significant obstacles these scholars face. Nina Scholars graduate at rates equal to or greater than their peers and 85% who graduated in the past five years currently work in a field related to their course of study.
- With our partners, the Trust celebrated the tremendous success of 10 years of our animal welfare initiatives in Arizona and Indiana. Metropolitan Phoenix experienced a 58% decrease in animals surrendered, an 88% drop in euthanasia, and more than 377,000 spay and neuter surgeries over 10 years. Central Indiana saw a 36% increase in adoptions, 20% increase in spay and neuter surgeries and an 84% decrease in euthanasia.
- In Arizona, the ongoing, severe drought resulted in significant cutbacks to the Colorado River allocations, making the need for healthy, flowing Verde River even more important. Continued collaboration with The Nature Conservancy of Arizona and area farmers, ranchers, municipalities and tribes saved 6.6 billion gallons of water in the Verde River Watershed last year.
- In Indiana, the White River Alliance and volunteer citizen scientists have been filling data gaps through the River Assessment Field Teams program. The program trains volunteers to conduct water quality sampling in locations where there is very little or no data available, providing a more complete picture of pollution hotspots in the White River watershed.
- The Trust committed $3 million to the nonprofit Indiana Local News Initiative, a coalition of organizations and philanthropies led by the American Journalism Project. It is a transformational opportunity that supports the foundation of democracy by nurturing a robust, free and accessible local news ecosystem. See more about how it could fundamentally change the local news is delivered and consumed in Indiana by visiting the Indiana Local News Initiative website.
- As part of our ongoing efforts to broaden the ways in which we help solve community issues, the Trust funded more first-time grantees, increasing that number by 10% over the prior year.
As we look back on 2022, we are proud to partner with organizations dedicated to supporting individuals and families, as well as improving the quality of life in our communities. We are excited to continue this important work.
Continue reading for more achievements celebrated in 2022.

Carol Peden Schilling
Trustee Chair

Kent E. Agness

Lisa Shover Kackley

Gene D’Adamo
President and CEO
2022 Investment: $9 million

In 2022, the Trust invested more than $9 million to help those experiencing abuse, homelessness and financial insecurity, the elderly, children in the foster care system, and historically marginalized communities in Arizona and Indiana. As the cost of goods and services increased so did the need for food, affordable housing, and employment from the most vulnerable populations.
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2022 Homelessness Report, which compares how cities and states measure against one another, Arizona saw a 23% jump in its homeless population. Of the more than 13,000 people experiencing homelessness in Arizona, most were unsheltered. To help address this issue, the Trust partnered with the Human Services Campus to expand street outreach and navigation services to reduce the time people experience homelessness. Additionally, the region ended 2022 with the second-highest inflation rate, trailing only Miami. Local prices rose 9.5% around metro Phoenix for all of 2022. Higher rent and food costs placed considerable pressure on vulnerable families. Trust partners like the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and Arizona Food Bank Network continue to see high demand for services.

While Indiana fared better in terms of inflation and homelessness in 2022 compared to Arizona, unemployment across the state increased. Hiring remains a challenge for employers as there are more job postings than skilled professionals seeking work in the state. A recent study commissioned by Trust grantees Ascend Indiana and EmployIndy found the pandemic “accelerated demand for degreed talent and slowed demand for non-degreed talent” at a time when post-secondary enrollment fell across the state. By supporting organizations such as Community Assets, which helps youth and young adults plan for and pursue their future careers, and College Mentors for Kids, which pairs college students with elementary school students from underserved communities, the Trust is investing in education and workforce development to help build a pipeline of talent in Marion County. Additionally, Trust partners like Latinas Welding Guild train Hispanic women for welding and fabrication jobs as well as provide paid work experience for its students and graduates.
Nina Scholars

Nina Scholars are the epitome of resilience. They are adults with dependents, financial hardships, have physical disabilities or were part of the foster care system who are seeking college degrees. Notwithstanding the challenges they face, Nina Scholars at Arizona State University and Maricopa Community Colleges in Arizona, and IUPUI and Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana continue to outpace their peers. In 2022, a total of 27 Nina Scholars graduated in Arizona and Indiana. To date, 387 Nina Scholars have finished their college education despite significant obstacles. The first-year retention rate is 97% for Nina Scholars and they graduate at rates equal to or greater than their peers.
Led by a team of dedicated education professionals, the Nina Scholars programs at each institution include career development, emergency financial assistance, tutoring, mentoring and community engagement. The program couples curriculum with resources and a supportive community to propel scholars to success.
Learn more about the program by visiting the Nina Scholars website.
2022 Investment: $3.3 million

In 2022, the Trust completed the third year of the five-year Arizona and Indiana environmental roadmaps with inspiring outcomes. The Trust dedicated nearly $20 million over five years to projects that protect crucial waterways in those states.
The worsening drought in Arizona is resulting in considerable cutbacks to the Colorado River allocations, making the need for a healthy, flowing Verde River even more important. Continued collaboration over the past 36 months with The Nature Conservancy – Arizona and area farmers, ranchers and tribes have saved 6.6 billion gallons of water in the Verde Valley. By implementing new irrigation systems, conversion crops and improved conveyance, they were able to reduce water usage significantly. Also, the TNC – Arizona and U.S. Forest Service are developing projects to reduce sediment to improve water quality and lessen the effects of flooding. The Trust is also supporting the Verde River Watershed Report Card, which is a timely, transparent assessment of watershed health prepared by the Friends of the Verde River. Developed with diverse stakeholders representing land managers, businesses, municipalities, community members, conservationists and more, the report card measures progress in watershed health in the areas of water, habitat and communities and guides decision making for restoration and conservation.

With continued investment and support from the Trust, several Indiana partners have been making progress advancing water quality and management and improving the public’s appreciation and access to the White River. As a member of the Partners for the White River, The Nature Conservancy – Indiana exceeded its goal to enroll 20,000 acres of cover crops by 45%, diverting millions of tons of sediment from Indiana waterways. The White River Alliance and 150 volunteer citizen scientists have been filling data gaps through the River Assessment Field Teams program. The program trains volunteers to conduct monthly water quality samplings in locations where there is little to no data available. RAFT volunteers learn rigorous testing protocols so agencies like the Indiana Department of Environmental Management can also use the data in their water quality assessments. Additionally, the Conservation Law Center continues to work with the legislature on wastewater management, leading to passage of two bills to improve water quality.
Learn more about the Trust’s environmental initiatives by visiting the website.
2022 Investment: $5.3 million

In 2022, the Trust celebrated 10 years of animal welfare initiatives in Arizona and Indiana. In 2012, the Trust became a lead funder in collaborations aimed at reducing the number of unwanted dogs and cats in those cities and surrounding communities by increasing spay and neuter surgeries, adoptions and public education on responsible pet ownership. Arizona experienced a 58% decrease in intake, an 88% drop euthanasia and more than 377,000 spay and neuter surgeries over 10 years. The Trust invested more than $16 million in the Fix.Adopt.Save. initiative through the Alliance of Companion Animals and other animal welfare organizations in Maricopa County in the last decade. The success of the Arizona initiative is in large part because of the focus on raising public awareness; coordinating low- or no-cost spay and neuter and vaccination events; developing partners to increase spay and neuter services; wellness access, adoptions, foster services and responsible pet ownership; and subsidizing medical costs for small animal organization. Last year the Trust also partnered with Lost Our Home Pet Foundation, which provides compassionate services to pets and people in crisis. Agency staff are passionate about not only helping pets, but owners who have been displaced due to domestic violence, severe illness or loss of income. Additionally, the Arizona Humane Society celebrated the topping out of the new Rob and Melani Walton Papago Park Campus, a state-of-the-art medical facility that will transform how care is delivered.
In 2012, nearly 6,600 stray and surrendered dogs and cats were euthanized in Marion County shelters. Since then, the Trust contributed $11.1 million to a collaborative effort to reduce these numbers. Indiana saw a 36% increase in adoptions, 20% increase in spay and neuter surgeries, and an 84% decrease in euthanasia. The success of the Indiana initiative was because of the focus on improving the city’s animal care and treatment ordinances; bolstering community trap-neuter-return programs for feral cats; quadrupling the number of low-cost spay and neuter vouchers to pet owners; and expanding the number of vet students participating in shelter medicine programs. In 2022, the Trust supported a new initiative of Indy Neighborhood Cats targeting free roaming cats in mobile home parks where high resident turnover often leaves hundreds of abandoned house cats. This project addressed the most efficient ways to manage cat populations and improve the quality of life for residents and the animals that call these communities home. The Trust also provided a $3 million grant to Friends of Indy Animals to build a new Indianapolis Animal Care Services shelter, which is expected to be completed next year. This work took several years in the making, including a previous grant to FIA to hire a consultant to help prepare its board for such a campaign.
Caring for animals was a lifelong passion for Nina Mason Pulliam and the Trust honors her dedication through our animal welfare initiatives. Since the Trust began collaborative animal welfare grantmaking in 2012, more than 40,000 animal lives have been saved each year.

Read more about the Trust’s animal welfare initiatives by visiting the website.
As of Dec. 31, 2022, the Trust’s endowment was an estimated $430,264,640. Since inception, the Trust has awarded 4,867 grants totaling more than $375 million to 1,030 nonprofit organizations in Arizona and Indiana. In 2022, we awarded 161 grants totaling more than $21 million.
See an overview of our 2022 grantmaking.

The Trust’s audited financial statements will be available on our website after July 15, 2023.