Press Release
Trust introduces new Trustee leadership and awards Arizona grants
April 24, 2012
Trust Awards $1.9 Million to 22 Arizona Nonprofit Agencies
(Phoenix)–The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust introduced its new Trustee leadership team Tuesday, April 24, at a reception for more than 225 community and nonprofit leaders where $1.9 million in grants was announced to 22 Arizona nonprofit organizations at The Phoenix Zoo, Stone House, 455 N. Galvin Parkway.
At 3 p.m. founding Trustee Carol Peden Schilling and newly appointed Trustees Kent E. Agness and Lisa Shover Kackley welcomed representatives from 22 Arizona nonprofit organizations receiving grants. At 4 p.m. representatives from 150 leading nonprofit organizations across Arizona who received Trust funding during the past few years joined the reception.
Schilling, who is Nina Mason Pulliam’s niece, made introductions, emphasizing that Agness and Shover Kackley continue the tradition of Trust leaders who share a connection to Nina Pulliam. Both Agness and Shover Kackley provided professional services to Central Newspapers, Inc. and worked with the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust from its inception. The three Trustees each have held leadership positions in nonprofit organizations and sectors the Trust serves.
“We are tremendously grateful to Frank and Nancy Russell for their dedicated leadership from 1998 through last December. Their organizational and board leadership, insights into Nina’s charitable interests and knowledge of the states the Trust serves, ‘Nina’s home states’ have built the Trust into a respected, responsive and recognized community resource,” Schilling stated as she recognized the original founding Trustees. “We are pleased to share that the Russells have been named emeriti Trustees,” Schilling added.
“Our intention is to carry forward the Trust’s impact on its communities while being strong stewards of its financial investments that provide the dollars for annual grantmaking,” Agness said. “With this team of Trustees and the Trust’s talented staff, we are looking forward to moving into the future as a cohesive team who will continue to build the legacy of Nina’s Trust.”
“Mrs. Pulliam was a compassionate woman who realized that certain situations called for an immediate response, but her preference was to work toward achieving long-term or permanent solutions in her life and work,” Shover Kackley stated. “In looking ahead, the grants we approve this year will begin to show the subtle but significant change toward seeking definable, measurable and longer-term results that improve the quality of life at all levels.”
“In this first of two grant rounds for 2012, grants ranged from $25,000 to $400,000,” said Harriet M. Ivey, Trust president and CEO. “Of the 22 organizations receiving Trust support, six agencies are first-time grant recipients.”
Sixteen organizations Helping People in Need received $1,532,600 in grant commitments. Grants emphasize basic human need fulfillment and homeless intervention, programs for self-sufficiency and job readiness, and access to educational programs and youth mentoring opportunities. Six organizations Protecting Animals and Nature received grants totaling $358,200 to environmental education and preservation, wildlife protection and spay neuter programs in Arizona.
“These economic times continue to be a challenge and our grantees do an exceptional job of serving their communities and furthering Nina Pulliam’s legacy through their daily work and ongoing commitments to their life-changing missions,” said Edmund Portnoy, Ph.D., Arizona grants programs director for the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.
Since the Trust began its grantmaking in 1998, it has awarded more than $99.2 million to 422 Arizona nonprofit organizations. The Trust also makes grants in Indianapolis. As of March 31, 2012, the Trust had assets of approximately $350 million. For more information about the Trust and its programs visit